Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ha ha!

Look now see! I have a blog, a glob, a bloggy-blog thing and I am important. What to say. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have a four-day weekend and for this I am thankful. Ryan and I will be going to his folks' at noon for a Thanksgiving luncheon, and then we're off to my parents' after that for yet another Thanksgiving meal. I am not thankful for the gobs of food that we will be expected to eat. Such a dilemma. One set of parents (mom, rather) will say, now now, eat up! Have a second helping of cranberry relish! And the next set of parents (again, really just the mom) will say, now now, don't eat too much before you come, so you can save room for that pumpkin pie! How did it happen that almost all of our major holidays have become reasons to be gluttonous and greedy. Not that I'm going to go into a rant about that- it is what it is. Friday, we're going to check out Dearborn Inn as a possible wedding and/or reception venue. Actually I'm hoping I will hate it. But I think I'll like it ... a lot.

Right now I'm lying in bed, it's almost time for sleep. My roommates chide me for going to bed so early but look, I'm an old woman okay? As of Sunday... I will be the ripe, ripe old age of twenty-five. I know that seems young, and it is, of course... but when it's your first time turning 25 (probably the last as well) it's just eerie. It's like, dang, I'm like an actual adult now and stuff. Crap. No, wait- it's good. My car insurance went down. Hip hip hooray!

I feel like I should post a picture in this blog, because that seems to be what all the kids are doing these days. What picture? How to do such a thing? When it comes down to it, I must admit to being quite computer-illiterate compared to many people. Let's see... I think a picture of a gnome would work nicely here. Here's one that is mooning.

Note: As I inadvertently deleted the mooning gnome, I have now added in a picture of Bob Ross.

bob ross

Nite nite.