Saturday, January 24, 2009

This one is really just going to be about my serious craving for Jerusalem Garden that I squashed this evening. It started about two or three weeks ago and had gotten progressively stronger, which happens when you ignore cravings. That's why you should just give in. I was all, Need. Vegetarian grape leaf sandwich. Now. Problem is I rarely go into downtown A2 anymore due to the major obstacle that is the long, neverending 20-25 minute drive. I'd say the furthest west I go these days is Trader Joes, and I really only go there for the soy creamy ice cream. So there I was, Saturday night, no plans, and super hungry. The craving just couldn't be ignored any longer! So I made the drive ALL the way downtown, which really wasn't sooo bad because I was too excited about the joy I was going to experience to be truly bothered. Imagine my annoyance, though, when I get there and find out they are OUT of vegetarian grape leaves. Wh- wha? What? Fine. Grape leaves stuffed with meat it is. The girl was apologetic. I also got a side of tabbouleh for good measure. They put carrots in it there. Yum. Sorry, this blog is so boring but I love it because it is about how I got to eat Jerusalem Garden for dinner tonight!! I would take a picture of the lovely lovely sandwich but I already ate it. There was lots of hummous and they have the BEST hummous.

Other things I did today include:
got my car washed
saw "slumdog millionaire"
made it to a spinning class
read some of my book

I also decided today that I'd like to visit Montana.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I forgot I had a blog

Oh, this always happens. Since the earliest days of girlhood I have been known (by me) to start up a diary, a journal, a blog even, only to promptly forget and rediscover it a full year later.

Well, since I'm here and I can't sleep let's talk about my dead bonsai. Here it is.


Admittedly this bonsai tree is not technically mine, although I purchased it - as a gift for Ryan. The store in question is Downtown Home and Garden, which is generally a reputable garden store, although as it turns out this tree was not its finest specimen. Granted, it looked much healthier when I bought it, but I have a feeling that a bonsai expert would have passed it over. If I was really being honest, I would tell you that I bought this birthday gift in a bit of a hurry and there were not too many options left. So, five months later, this is Ryan's present, all dried up. I swear we watered it! Really. We even lovingly repotted it to give it more space for its little roots. Except then we planted grass seed in there too which, in hindsight, may not have been the best idea. Oh, that hindsight and its 20/20-ness. Now the grass is all dried up too! It's the little landscape of doom.

On a positive note, here is a picture of our super awesome living bonsai:


This one is our pride and joy. It was nurtured by Ryan's dad for a few years, which probably helped, and then handed down to Ryan, and now it inhabits this little corner of our apartment and makes us happy.

Well, that is going to have to be it for now, as I'm hungry and am off to make myself a snack. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ha ha!

Look now see! I have a blog, a glob, a bloggy-blog thing and I am important. What to say. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have a four-day weekend and for this I am thankful. Ryan and I will be going to his folks' at noon for a Thanksgiving luncheon, and then we're off to my parents' after that for yet another Thanksgiving meal. I am not thankful for the gobs of food that we will be expected to eat. Such a dilemma. One set of parents (mom, rather) will say, now now, eat up! Have a second helping of cranberry relish! And the next set of parents (again, really just the mom) will say, now now, don't eat too much before you come, so you can save room for that pumpkin pie! How did it happen that almost all of our major holidays have become reasons to be gluttonous and greedy. Not that I'm going to go into a rant about that- it is what it is. Friday, we're going to check out Dearborn Inn as a possible wedding and/or reception venue. Actually I'm hoping I will hate it. But I think I'll like it ... a lot.

Right now I'm lying in bed, it's almost time for sleep. My roommates chide me for going to bed so early but look, I'm an old woman okay? As of Sunday... I will be the ripe, ripe old age of twenty-five. I know that seems young, and it is, of course... but when it's your first time turning 25 (probably the last as well) it's just eerie. It's like, dang, I'm like an actual adult now and stuff. Crap. No, wait- it's good. My car insurance went down. Hip hip hooray!

I feel like I should post a picture in this blog, because that seems to be what all the kids are doing these days. What picture? How to do such a thing? When it comes down to it, I must admit to being quite computer-illiterate compared to many people. Let's see... I think a picture of a gnome would work nicely here. Here's one that is mooning.

Note: As I inadvertently deleted the mooning gnome, I have now added in a picture of Bob Ross.

bob ross

Nite nite.